Tube and Hose Fittings


Tube and Hose Fittings

Non-metallic selection of tubes and various styles of fittings. No corrosion, Lightweight, Can often be used with fluids that attack metals.
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Adapters - Male

Adapters - Male offer advantages inlcuding: no corrosion, lightweight, and low cost

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Connectors - Barbed Hose Menders

Connectors - Barbed Hose Menders

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Connectors - Reducing

Connectors - Reducing

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Elbows - Male

Elbows - Male

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Elbows Barbed

Elbows Barbed

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Miniature Barbed Adapters - Straight

The sharp barb makes a leak-proof seal. Just push on polyurethane, PE, PVC or other soft tubing with end cut straight. 

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Miniature Barbed Adapters -Elbow

Miniature Barbed Adapters -Elbow

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Miniature Barbed Connectors - Reducing

Miniature Barbed Connectors - Reducing

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Miniature Connectors - Barbed

Miniature Connectors - Barbed

Miniature Elbows - Barbed

Miniature Elbows - Barbed

Miniature Locking Sleeves

Locking sleeves enable barbed fittings to be used at up to 100% of the rated burst pressure of the flexible plastic tubing.
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Miniature Nipple

Miniature Nipple

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Miniature Tees - Adapter

Miniature Tees - Adapter
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Miniature Tees - Barbed

Miniature Tees - Barbed
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Miniature Tees - Run

Miniature Tees - Run

Miniature Thread Reducers

Miniature Thread Reducers

Nylon Hex Pipe Nuts

Nylon Hex Pipe Nuts

Swivel Adapters and Nuts

Swivel Adapters and Nuts


Tees - Barbed

Tees - Barbed


Tees Adapter

Tees Adapter

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